Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Prevention Magazine February 2010

Ok.. I had to rip open the latest Prevention magazine... (I got the subscription from sending in organic yogurt lids last year) So on the front cover it says, "400 Calorie Fix! Drop 11 pounds in 2 weeks!" Can you imagine that? That would be two dress sizes. The key is eating 4 tiny, well balanced, nutritionally sound meals each day.... Of course there is a book... that has all these 400 calorie meal recipes... Two dress sizes and I'd be swimming in my smallest clothes... but really... sounds tempting. A few years ago I weighed like 40 pounds more than I do now. So I was more of a size 12 girl... instead of a size 6. I joined Weight Watchers and lost it in about 4 months. But it's a way of life... a way of healthy eating and portion control and all that jazz... Loosing the weight was very freeing for me as a person. I used to look at myself in the mirror and just hate me. Now I like me. I was never "fat" until after I had my dear crumbcakes. Nursing them also made me incredibly and sometimes insanely hungry. Growing up I was always on the string bean side of thin... and never really enjoyed it... actually just the opposite. I remember one boy calling me, "Ethiopian Goldilocks." How mean was that? So goes to show... until this point in my life... I was never really happy with my body. Waited forever to "develop." Now I'm on the thinner side of round... and have breasts.. and a butt... generally curvy. Am I allowed to say that I like myself? Am I allowed to move on and worry about more important things like how to loose 11 pounds in two weeks?


the ice chewer said...

I also lost 40 on WW although gained a little lately. I think it's those key chain prizes that always kept me motivated........

Jennifer Kosharek said...

I've always had this thing for wanting to be the best in the class... our motivational lady was really really good... so positive! Once I said I do crunches while watching tv and she gave me a prize... gotta love it!!