Friday, February 12, 2010

recent drawings

Funny thing about doesn't matter at all. What matters is that I'm a good mom, a good wife... sister, daughter... and friend. That's what matters. The love that exists in those relationships is the only lasting thing on this planet. None of these drawings are about you or about me. They are just figments of the imagination.


the ice chewer said...

This post reminds me that a few days ago my wonderful 97 years old Grandmother told me a Latin phrase:

"Ars longa, vita brevis"
art is long, life is short.

Jennifer Kosharek said...

you're not helping with the inner struggle...

I get so much flack about trying to be an artist. I have people who tell me that I am wasting my time. That I'm not good enough, that mail art is a waste of time... that I should be a mom and that's it. I'm gonna go with my gut and anger everyone.

Art does leave a legacy. So does love. Can't I do it all?